Looking for Redfeather BOYA 10003076_10203553731672707_1146057099_nFor those discerning readers who are looking for Redfeather, the elusive book was sighted at this year’s BEA, thanks to Foreword Reviews, a well-regarded book review journal that offers a menu of marketing services for independent publishers.

Looking for Redfeather is going to book fairs all over the world this year with Foreword Reviews; I’ve already received interest from publishers in China, Sweden and Ireland  following the Bologna Children’s Book Fair earlier this spring.   Whether you are a reader, a writer, or both, check out Foreword Reviews for the latest and best books from small presses.

Look for Redfeather at Foreword Review’s display at the American Library Association’s Conference in Las Vegas June 26-July 1! Don’t miss this 21st-century American road trip story featuring runaway teens on a quest.





