Looking for Redfeather is now available in trade paperback on Amazon!  Also available in electronic format on Smashwords!  Coming soon to Kindle…

I wrote the first draft of Looking for Redfeather in November, 2007, during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  At the time I was on the road promoting  Star-Crossed, my first published novel — historical fiction that that the New York Public Library chose to be among the books for the Teen Age – 2007.  I needed a break from the 18th century, so I wrote a contemporary, post 9/11 road trip novel about three runaway teens.  The characters are a composite of kids, both real and imagined.

The rewriting and publishing of Looking for Redfeather took six years.  Which, incidentally, is how long Star-Crossed took me to write and get published.  Laura Rennert, my agent for Star-Crossed landed me a contract with Alfred A. Knopf.  James Schiavone, my agent for Looking for Redfeather was unable to place it, and so I’ve published it under Fiction House, Ltd. — my own company.   Albert Roberts designed the fabulous cover, and Create Space provided editorial, printing, and distribution services.  Currently I’m looking into Lightening Source because they distribute to libraries and academic institutions.  It’s time consuming, because I’m also writing two other novels and working on the stage play adaptation of Looking for Redfeather.  But that’s the publishing world these days.  Hey, who needs sleep anyway?

At least my characters are alive.  Long live Ramie, Chas, and LaRoux, the three runaway teens who are Looking for Redfeather. 

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