Shepherd’s Book Roundup for 2023
Shepherd's Book Recommendations, 2023 Lost in a sea of[...]
…and we’re rolling! Production Assistant Workshop in Steamboat Springs
Meet Colorado indie filmmaker, producer, and adventurer Bruce Borowski and[...]
“Let’s make a movie,” she said.
Two years ago, Bob and I partnered with Ground Rush[...]
Wildfires in Paradise
Fire Memoir October, 1996 Just before dinner Bob and I[...]
Where have all the flowers gone?
Dad taught my sisters and me to sing the Marine[...]
A question of Time
A question of Time I’m struggling with the grammar of[...]
Lawrence Gregory “At the speed of love…”
Phenomena by Lawrence Gregory. Shanti Arts Publishing; 2023 ISBN: 978-1-956056-80-8[...]
April 22; a snowy day in Steamboat Springs. Found moose[...]
Stormy Wether trumps all in Saturday Night Knife & Gun Club
"Hell's bells, it's Stormy Wether," said Tonto, sucking in his[...]
Apertures; a memoir in essays by Mary B. Kurtz
Memoir -- what is it? While autobiography is concerned with[...]